How to shut down a Lenovo laptop: super guide & helpful tips

How to shut down a Lenovo laptop? Lenovo company has been producing top-quality laptops and desktop devices for many years, serving their owners well. Even if you buy a reliable laptop, it starts to work more slowly and freezes after a while.

This article provides some essential information about issues like “how to shut down a Lenovo laptop” and various proven tips that solve this issue.

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What causes these issues?

The problem starts when trying to shut down the personal computer (PC). Here Lenovo laptop starts to freeze, making noise, monitor display dims, but functions.

Several points cause these troubles:

  • malfunctioning software packages;
  • failure of any individual system services;
  • your Lenovo laptop is infected by computer viruses.

At the end of this article, we will reveal various troubleshooting tips that can assist you in avoiding these issues. After reading it you can easily shut down your laptop and it won’t be a problem in the future.

Preliminary comments

All the methods below have been grouped according to the difficulty level for an inexperienced user, or in other words, the methods will be presented from simple to complex.

When sorting the solutions for Lenovo laptops by difficulty level, we take into consideration several factors to determine which method is easy, and which is not.

Here are the main considerations that we use:

  • number of technical steps and actions;
  • how familiar the system interfaces to the user;
  • risk of data loss – data loss emergency level;
  • Lenovo laptop’s technical knowledge;
  • overall user’s computer skills requirements.
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Easy level solutions

For an inexperienced user, the following methods will be the easiest among others that help to solve the problem of the forced Lenovo laptop shutdown.

Here we include the next decisions:

  • power off your Lenovo laptop by applying the Start Menu;
  • simply shut down by use of the power button;
  • shut down by option called “Slide to shut down”.

Power off a Lenovo device by use of the Start Menu

The first method will seem obvious, but it is the easiest method of all.

To bring up the Start Menu you should find the Windows icon. It is placed on the left-hand corner of the Lenovo computer screen and by hitting on it you’ll see the power icon.

Different power options appear when you tap on the power button icon:

  • Sleep mode;
  • Shut down;
  • Restart.

Select the “Shut down” power option in order to turn off your laptop. After this action, your Lenovo laptop starts the entire shutdown.

Note: Clicking the Windows key on the device keyboard will display the Start menu for you.

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Simply shut down the power button

Many devices, for example, desktop devices, computers, or laptops, have a power button. This button is responsible for supplying electricity to the motherboard when you’re turning your laptop and for cutting off the connection with the power source when you want to it off.

After you have finished your working session on the Lenovo laptop, shut it down simply by pressing the power button.

Keep it pressed for a few seconds. That would be enough for shutting down.

“Slide to shut down” option on Windows

Many modern Lenovo laptops with Win10 and Win11 installed on them have the Slide to Shut Down function. Let’s look at how to bring up this feature.

You should launch “Run” on Windows OS by use of the shortcut key “Win+R”.

Another way to open “Run” is this: right-click on the Windows logo on the bottom left-hand corner of the taskbar. In the pop-up menu choose “Run”.

Last but not least, you may launch “Run” by using the search bar. Input “Run” in the search bar and then hit enter.

After opening “Run” just type “slidetoshutdown” into the input field. Then pop up a special screen. By sliding it in a downward direction you can shut down your laptop.

Normal level solutions

The subsequent methods in this category are slightly different from the previous in our opinion.

This is how to shut down a Lenovo laptop (normal level):

  • initiate a forced shutting down by pressing the Lenovo laptop power button;
  • turn off a Lenovo laptop with Windows 11 OS installed.

Forced shutdown option by using the power button

When working on a Lenovo laptop, it happens that the screen freezes, and when you tap on the Windows icon, the Start menu doesn’t pop up.

For powering off your laptop press the power button and hold it for at least 10 seconds. After this action, the Lenovo laptop screen will immediately turn off and it becomes fully powered off.

Computer experts advise not to resort very often to this method of shutting down. This solution may also cause problems even with the hard drive.

You may lose all your data which you were working with at the time of the freeze by using the forcing method. So to prevent data loss, save all your current projects.

Shutting down a Lenovo laptop with Windows 11 OS installed

Many users are not quite familiar with the Windows 11 operating system yet, and if you own a Lenovo laptop with Win11 installed, it will be unusual for you first to shut down your device.

The Wind 11 Start menu can be found at the bottom center of the screen now. It can be quite uncommon for those users, who used to work with previous versions of Windows.

When you find the Start menu, tap on it. Afterward, tap on the power symbol and choose “Shut down” from various power options.

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Hard-level solutions

This category includes methods that require some technical knowledge or have a high chance of data loss.

There are several advanced options:

  1. You can shut down a Lenovo laptop from cmd.exe. It is a bit complex action.
  2. You can turn off your device by using the keyboard only.
  3. You can shut down your laptop by pulling out its battery. Consider this as the extreme case.

Shut down your laptop by using cmd.exe

This is another method to power off your Lenovo laptop via the command prompt, known as cmd.exe.

To achieve this, launch the Start Menu and input “cmd.exe” or “cmd” into the search bar. Then select the outcome for “Command prompt”.

Within the CMD interface, input “shutdown -s -t 0” and press Enter. This action will initiate the shutting-down process of your laptop.

You don’t have to go into the details of this prompt’s parameters.

Just copy it and paste it into the dialog box.

Note: If you want to see other useful prompts, you can find them on the official Microsoft website. For example, by using cmd.exe you can initiate sleep mode, restart, launch control panel, and so on.

Turn off by using the keyboard only

In cases when you do not have a USB mouse, or when its USB cable doesn’t work, you have some options to shut down your laptop by using the laptop keyboard only.

First of all, by pressing the “Ctrl, Alt, Delete” keys together, you will get access to the menu where you can select the needed option in order to shut down your Lenovo laptop.

Secondly, if you press the “Alt, F4” keys together, you will bring up the shutdown menu where you can also pick the “shut down” variant.

Also, you can use a Tab key and “up, down, right, left” keys to choose various options in the menu.

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Pulling out the laptop battery method

If your laptop still has not responded to various attempts to force its shutting down, you must consider disconnecting it from the power source.

In order to shut down your laptop you need to extract the laptop’s battery if the Lenovo laptop model allows it.

If it is not possible, then let your laptop fully discharge by unplugging it from the electricity.

This method also may cause data loss. Make sure that you save all your data before unplugging the battery.

Below we will provide tips that will help you prevent issues with your Lenovo laptop.

Troubleshooting tips

First of all, make sure that your laptop has the latest driver and system updates. Always check for the latest updates. It keeps the laptop fresh.

You can also monitor the system log of your laptop through the Reliability History. You can find this option through this path: Control panel – Security and Maintenance – Maintenance – View Reliability History.

Sometimes it will be better to put the laptop into sleep mode. By using sleep mode it allows you to turn on your laptop faster and you immediately turn back where your work was stopped.

In cases of freezing, you have another option to reboot your Lenovo laptop within Safe mode. It can help you find and fix problems with the system by initializing the start of the system with default settings and basic drivers.

In order to reboot your laptop in Safe Mode, bring up the Start Menu and hit the power icon button.

Afterward, tap on “Restart” by holding the Shift key at the same time.

Last but not least, scan your laptop for malicious software and viruses regularly.

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READ ALSO: Top ways how to turn on HP computer without power button


How do I turn off a Lenovo laptop?

There are decisions on how you can shut down your laptop: bring the start menu, push the power button, activate the “Slide to shut down” feature on Win 10/11, make use of the shortcut keys, and launch cmd.exe.

How do I manually shut down my Lenovo laptop?

There are some methods for manually shutting down: by pressing and holding for a few seconds the power button on your laptop, to also remove its battery.

What is the shut down key in Lenovo?

This key is responsible for supplying/cutting off electricity to the hardware.

Why won t my Lenovo laptop turn off?

There might be several issues: malfunctioning software packages, failure of any individual system services, or laptop being infected by computer viruses.


In this article, we reviewed a list of solutions that will assist you in shutting down your laptop. If you choose a laptop made by Lenovo for personal use, you have to carefully take care of your laptop and use the methods given above in order to make your laptop last longer.

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